Saturday, March 30, 2013

Observing Movement

In Chinese Chess ( 象棋 Xiangqi) there are 7 pieces: the General (將 Jiang), Advisors, Elephants, Horses, Chariots, Cannons, and Soldiers.

In a checkmate the General flies across the board to capture the other player's General, a move called 飛將 Fei Jiang (Flying General).

Elephants (象 Xiang)have a limited movement and can only move if they're unobstructed, called having an open field (田 Tian) to move in. When the movement of the Elephant is blocked it's called 'Obstructing the Elephant's Eyes' (象眼塞 Xiang Yan Sai).

When one is so focused on the Checkmate/ Endgame (飛將 Fei Jiang) they don't see the power of Elephant's movements, or it's inability to move. Which became 'When one is so focused on the Fly buzzing around in front of their face, they can't see the Elephant in the field charging towards them.'

In the Chinese Martial Arts it means when you're only looking at the end product (the movement of the hands and feet) you don't see the powerful movements of the body that make the end movements of the hands and feet possible. Or you're so focused on the flashy movement of the hands you don't see the root of the hand's power - the body. Or the English translation - not seeing what's hidden in plain sight.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Defining Qi for the Martial Arts and Cultivation Practices

A General overview of the different types 'Qi' in our body:

1. 空氣 kōng qì (air energy) - is essentially breath, oxygen in the body.

2. 水穀精氣 shuǐ gǔ jīng qì (water food essence energy) - is the 精 'Jing' (polyamines) and nutrition we absorb from our diet to combine with oxygen from the lungs to form ATP and every other biological process.

3. 先天精 xiān​tiān jīng (pre-heaven/ ancestral/ innate/ intrinsic essence) - is the 精 'Jing' we get from our mothers while in the womb. (The 神 'Shén' (Spirit) comes from the father.)

Yuan Qi in the Martial Arts

From 萇乃周 Chang Naizhou's (1736 - 1795) writings on Internal Martial Arts:

苌氏武技书 卷一

Baguazhang Cultivation Theory

張伯端 Zhang Boduan (987?-1082 CE) was a Song Dynasty scholar of the Three teachings (Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism):

Following quote from ~ Wikipedia/Wuzhen Pian
Zhang Boduan, or Zhang Ziyang 張紫陽, was a native of Tiantai 天臺 in present-day Zhejiang. After passing the Imperial examination, he began a career as a civil servant, but was banished to the frontier in Lingnan, where he served as a military commissioner. Zhang was later transferred to Guilin and Chengdu, where in 1069 he allegedly experienced sudden realization from a Daoist Master who instructed him in Neidan internal alchemy. Zhang wrote the Wuzhen pian, its appendices, and a few other texts, including the Jindan sibai zi 金丹四百字 "Four hundred words on the Golden Elixer" (tr. Davis and Chao 1940). He was additionally an authority on Chan Buddhism.