The three lines in the Trigrams are used in many ways to represent the joints and areas of the body. All the Trigrams are read from the bottom upward and if you picture a person standing with their arms straight up in the air and starting at the bottom you can relate the lines in Trigrams to the major joints and areas of the body. The top line of the Trigram represents the wrists, head, and hips. The middle line represents the elbows, torso, and knees. The bottom line represents the shoulders, legs, and ankles. Solid, or Yang lines represent strength and solidity (剛 Gāng) in a joint while the broken or Yin lines represent movement or soft; supple (柔 Róu).

The Trigrams can also be turned on their side and represent a vertical view of the body, mainly showing the relationship between the torso and the arms/legs. Please understand that these are somewhat broad generalizations of the relation between the Trigrams and the joints, because for obvious reasons a joint can't be kept totally unmovable throughout the movements of a technique. These are meant as guidelines that can help you understand the subtle expressions of power as you advance through the art. Learning Bagua requires serious solo work and the relationship between the Trigrams and human body can serve as a guide for your own practice.

The Trigrams are also mapped onto the Five Elements (五行 Wǔ​xíng) of Chinese philosophy: Wood (木 Mù), fire (火 Huǒ), earth (土 Tǔ), metal (金 Jīn), water (水 Shuǐ), which can lend some more insight into the similarities and differences amongst the Animals.


Stepping Method
Qian Gua
Heaven Trigram Father Northwest
(Shi) Lion 車輪步 Che Lun Bu Wheel Step
Kan Gua
Water Trigram Middle Son North
(She) Snake 淌水步 Tang Shui Bu Dripping Water Step
Gen Gua
Mountain Trigram Youngest Son Northeast
(Xiong) Bear 撤步 Che Bu Withdrawing Step
Zhen Gua
Thunder Trigram Oldest Son East
(Long) Dragon 擺步 Bai Bu Swinging Step
Xun Gua
Wind Trigram Oldest Daughter Southeast
(Feng) Phoenix 鶴步 He Bu Crane Step
Li Gua
Fire Trigram Middle Daughter South
( Ji ) Chicken 卧步 Wo Bu Crouching Step
Kun Gua
Earth Trigram Mother Southwest
(Lin) Unicorn 扣步 Kou Bu Hooking Step
Dui Gua
Marsh Trigram Youngest Daughter West
(Hou) Monkey 蹲步 Dun Bu Squatting Step

Each Trigram represents a different martial system, with each system containing its own striking methods, fighting tactics, and ways of turning the circle.

乾卦狮形The Qián Guà or Heaven Trigram Lion System


乾卦者,天地之象也。狮子掌者,拳之式也;乾者健者也,阳之性也,三画卦之名也,乾以形体方谓之天,以性情方谓之乾。其于物也,则为狮形,其物最严烈,其 性最勇猛,能食虎豹之兽,有抖毛之威。以拳式之用言,则有金龙合口之式,有狮子张口之形,有白猿拖刀之法。在腹内则为气,能资万物;在拳中,则为狮子掌, 能万法开端。此式以两手极力伸出,内外上下一气,有乾三连之象,又有起首三点之式,故取象为乾卦 ,其拳顺,则同身血脉舒畅,气力倍增;其拳谬,则乾遇震,而拳中不能无妄;乾临坤,而心窍亦不能开通矣。学者于此尤加谨焉。
Qian gua shi xing xue

The study of the Qian Trigram Lion Form

The qian trigram is the image of heaven. It is known as the Lion palm in its martial form. Qian represents great strength and its nature is pure 'yang' and is named after the 3 solid lines of its trigram. When speaking of the body shape it is 'heaven', when speaking of its temperament it is 'qian'. When looked at as a creature it takes on the appearance of the lion. This creature is the most cruel and violent in its nature is known for its bravery. It can kill and eat the tiger and the leopard. It has the skill of shaking its fur. When talking about it martially it has the skill of the 'golden dragon closing its mouth', the posture of the 'lion opens its mouth', and the technique of the 'white ape drawing its saber'. Internally it is the 'qi' which supports the 10,000 things. Martially the 'Lion palm' is the beginning of the 10,000 techniques of bagua. This style must extend both arms out with great force. The 'qi' must be full and be throughout from inside to outside and from top to bottom. It uses the 3 linkings (feet, waist, hands) in its form and the 3 alignments (tip of hands, tip nose, tip of feet) in its shape, which comes from the 3 solid lines of the Qian trigram. The fists move with and follow the movement of the body, allowing the blood to flow freely. This allows the 'qi li' (strength) to increase many times over. Some mistakes found in the fists are when the Qian trigram meets the Zhen trigram and to be correct the fists should not be practiced rashly or hastily [the zhen trigram is 'continuously lifting palm', and its easy for the 'qi' to rise when doing it, so one needs to slow down and practice calmly]. When 'qian' arrives at the 'kun trigram' the opening to your heart/center must not be left open. The student should be especially cautious of these mistakes.

[The Qián Guà or Heaven Trigram is represented by the Lion 獅 (shī) and is the pure Yang trigram being the strongest and fiercest of the animals. It is also known as the father of the trigrams. The power or energy of the Qian trigram is Interlocking. Meaning the smooth transition of one strike into the next. The first strike if it fails has set up the next strike which continues in constant succession until a firm strike is landed. The Lion likes to force through an opponent, without retreat, interlocking helps to accomplish that. The Qian trigram having three solid Yang lines means that strength and solidity must be maintained when practicing the lion system. Since they are all Yang lines the twelve joints, three sections of the torso, the mind/ body/ heart must be kept solid, unbroken, and connected throughout the techniques and postures in the Lion System. The principle that the Lion contributes to Yin Style Bagua is that the mind (intention, eyes), the hands, and the feet all arrive at the same time when executing techniques.]

[The Lion system is the all Yang trigram, its power is hard and obvious, it has horizontal and vertical strength, it turns and moves in a circle but attacks with the corners of the square. It focuses on the power of the waist and hence develops the Belt Meridan. The Opening strike is the most important waist strike. The eight strikes of the Lion system are:]

削 1- Xiāo (Sweeping) Is like a small knife used to skin or peel something, it goes along the surface and doesn't cut directly in like the 'Chopping' strike.
碴 2- Chá (Cutting) Means to cut; like with a piece of broken glass. This strike contains the basics of point striking and the small circular motions aid in the effectiveness of the strike even if the points are not directly hit.
劈 3- Pī (Chopping) Means to split, chop, or cleave like an axe, embedding into the object.
掛 4- Guà (Hooking) Means to hook or hang on a hook.
振 5- Zhèn (Shocking) Means to shake or shock, a quick jolt.
挡 6- Dǎng (Blocking) Means to keep off; ward off; block; get in the way of.
擒 7- Qín (Seizing) Means to capture; catch; seize.
拿 8- Ná (Grasping) Means to hold; take; seize; capture; have a firm grasp of.

坎卦蛇形 The Kǎn Guà or Water Trigram Snake System


坎卦者,水之象也;顺势掌者,拳之式也。坎者陷也,坎得乾之中阳,阳陷阴中,阳入而生潮,有坎中满之象,故居正北水旺之方。其于物也,则为蛇形,其物最 毒,其性最玲珑,最活泼者也。有拨草之能。以拳式之用言,则有白蛇吐信之法,有双头蛇缠身之巧;以拳之形式言,谓之顺势掌,此拳外柔顺,而内刚健,有丹田 气足之形,内外如水曲曲顺流,无隙而不入,故取象为坎卦。其拳顺,则丹田之气足,丹田气足,则道心生,道心生则心中阴火消灭,而无头眩目晕之患矣;其拳 谬,则肾水虚弱,心火不能下降,头晕眼黑必不免矣。

按此拳有点穴之法,式中有单指按点之术,此式单指按点之穴处在两腋窝。点法之意,如同禽鸟两翅窝之穴坑,两指一摄,顷刻而亡。不独此穴为然,凡诸穴能致人 死者,皆当慎用,如心口,小腹,脐门,耳后,脑海,嗓喉,后脊背,两肾腰,谷道,两手脉窝数穴以及双指点,单指点,肘点,膝点,足点,掌印点,斫点,勿论 如何点法,轻者可以伤身,重者可以致命。故点穴之法不可专用,专用必损阴德。谚云:己不用毒于人,人亦不用毒于我。所谓中找中,和找和,天理循环之数,是 此意也。
The study of the Kan Trigram Snake Form

The Kan trigram is symbolized by water. Its martial tactic is 'flowing with the momentum'. Kan means to be 'sunk in'. It gains the 'yang' from the 'qian' trigram which is held inside, sunk in the middle of 'yin', which causes the tides to rise and why kan is 'full' in the middle. Kan resides in the north where water flourishes. When looked at as a creature it has the appearance of the Snake form. This creature is the most poisionous, cunning, and malicious of the animals. It has the ability to part and move through the grass. In its martial skills it uses the technique of the 'white snake spits the truth' and the posture and skill of the 'double headed snake winds around the body'. When speaking of its martial strategy it is the 'flowing with the momentum palm'. The snake is soft and flowing on the outside and hard and strong on the inside. The 'dantian' needs to be kept full. The inside and outside should be like water following along and flowing, leaving no gaps or spaces that it can't enter. Its form is like the lines of the 'kan' trigram. In practicing the fists correctly the 'dantian' must be kept full, if the dantian is full the path to the heart will develop, as the heart grows the 'yin fire' will be extinguished from the 'xin zhong'(the heart's center), and the vision will be clear and there will be no worry of dizziness. If the fists are practiced incorrectly the water in the kidneys will be empty and weak, the heart fire will not decrease causing dizziness and poor vision.

The snake uses the method of pressing on pressure points. Using the technique of one finger to press on single points. It can press cavities/ points located in the armpit of the opponent. The idea of using the method of pressing points is like finding a bird in its nest and holding its wings so its trapped. The two fingers acting as one causing a quick death. Not only just the points in the armpit are used, there are various other points that can cause death, so in all cases caution should be used, such as around the opening to the heart, solar plexus, below the navel, behind the ear, the temple, the throat/ larnyx, behind the back, the spine, the two kidneys. Both hands can press on arteries as well as pressing points. Each single finger can press points, the elbow on a point, the knee hits points, the toes press points, the palm seals off points and can cut off flow, do not underestimate the theory of point striking, used recklessly it can seriously injure the body and cause permanent damage or death. The method of point striking should not be the only method that is used, using only this method will certainly damage and darken any virtue or goodness you possess. A classic proverb says: "You can poison a man but it will only make other people seek to poison you in return." Search out the place where your center blends and moves in harmony with the opponents, flowing and linking is the meaning of the snake.

[The Kǎn Guà is represented by the snake 蛇 (shé). It's fighting style can emulate a river whose energy flows around whatever obstructs its path. This energy is called moving with the force. It is the middle son and doesn't like to mess with the striking and typical methods of the other systems. It gets in close, coiling, striking and grasping points. The Kan trigram has two broken or Yin lines, one on the top and bottom, which are representative of the wrist and shoulder joints, this becomes evident in the coiling and snake like movements of the Snake System. Reacting to what the opponent wants to do and moving with them is the energy of the snake. The principle of the Kan trigram is that the solid line in the middle means that the Dantian must always be kept solid and full. The eight strikes of the Snake system are:]

肩 1- Jiān (Shoulder) This character - shoulder; take on; undertake; bear.
肘 2- Zhǒu (Elbow)
膝 3- Xī (Knee)
胯 4- Kuà (Hip)
探 5- Tàn (Probing) This character means to try to find out; probe; explore; sound; scout; spy;
握 6- Wò (Holding) This character means to hold; grasp.
刁 7- Diāo (Entrapping) This character means tricky; artful; sly;
拿 8- Ná (Grasping) This character means to hold; take; seize; capture; have a firm grasp of; be able to do;in a difficult position.

艮卦熊形 The Gen Guà or Mountain Trigram Bear System


艮卦者,山之象也;背身掌者,拳之式也。艮者止也。艮得乾之末阳,末阳主静,故居东北阳弱之方。其于物也,则为熊形,其性最钝,其物最威严,有竖项之力。 以拳式之用言,则有靠身之勇,有拔树之能,有抖搜之法,取象为艮卦。其拳顺,则有气根心生色,猝然现于面,盎于背,施于四体之意也;其拳谬,则丹田之阳, 不能升于脊背,而胸内不能含合,心火亦不能下降矣。
The study of the Gen Trigram Bear Form

The Gen trigram is symbolized by the mountain. It is the 'turning the back palm' in its martial form. The gen trigram uses a 'stopping' force. The gen trigram gets the ending of 'yang' from the 'qian' trigram. The end of 'yang' represents stillness. It resides in the northeast where 'yang' (the sun) is at its weakest. When looked at as a creature it has the appearance of the Bear. Its nature is known for being slow and stupid but can also be the most powerful and awe-inspiring, having the ability to raise the hairs on the back of the neck. In its martial usage it has the bravery to lean (kao) strike to the body, the ability to 'uproot trees' and the technique of 'shaking its body'. Which come from the shape of the gen trigram. If the fists are practiced correctly the 'qi' in center will develop noticeable color in the face, be abundant on the back, and be distributed to the four limbs of the body. If the fists are practiced incorrectly the dantian will become too 'yang', the qi will not raise up through the spine and back, the chest will not be concaved and join with the back, and the heart fire will not decrease.

[The Gen or Mountain Trigram is represented by the Bear 熊 (xióng), the largest and heaviest of the animals. It uses the illusion of being slow and stupid to deceive and draw the opponent in. The two broken lines on the bottom mean the shoulders and elbows are free and moving while the wrist is kept solid and firm. The bear is known for turning it's back into the opponent which seems like a dangerous position, but it will then snatch its victory when you think it's been defeated. The Gen trigram's principle is that the neck is always held up while the chin is tucked and the back is kept rounded.]

沖 1- chōng (Rushing) This character means to charge; rush; dash ; clash; collide;
穿 2- chuān (Penetrating) This character means to pierce through; pass through;
帶 3- Dài (Carrying) This character means to take; bring; carry;
振 4- Zhèn (Shocking) This character means to shake.
撤 5- chè (Withdrawing) This character means remove; take away; withdraw; evacuate.
靠 6- kào (Leaning) This character means to lean against; lean on; keep to; get near; come up to; near by;
綿 7- mián (Soft) This character means to be continuous; soft
隨 8- suí (Following) This character means to to follow; to comply with; to allow;

震卦龍形 The Zhen Guà or Thunder Trigram Dragon System


震卦者,雷之象也,平托掌者,拳之式也,震者,动也。震得乾之初阳,初阳主生长,居正东木旺之方,其于物也,则为龙形,其物为鳞虫之长,有搜骨之法,有变 化不测之功,有飞腾之象;以拳式之用言,则有乌龙盘柱之法,有青龙戏珠之能,之拳之形式言谓之平托掌。此拳外静而内动。丹书云:静中求动之象,又一阳初动 之意,故取象为震卦。其拳顺,则肝气舒和;其拳谬,则肝旺气努,而身体不能入于卦爻九二之中和矣。(九二者,拳体内之中气也)。学者于此勉力求和而无肝气 冲目之患矣。
The Study of the Zhen Trigram Dragon Form

The Zhen trigram is symbolized by thunder. Its martial tactic is the 'continuously lifting palm'. Zhen represents the beginning of movement. Zhen gets the beginning of 'yang' from the 'qian' trigram and the beginning of 'yang' means to grow or stir, it resides in the east where trees flourish and the sun rises. When looked at as a creature it takes on the appearance of the Dragon, a creature that has the scales of a fish and is the ruler of all insects. It has the technique of 'searching out the bones', the skill of 'unpredictable changes', the appearance of flying and soaring. In its martial style it has the technique of the 'black dragon coiling around the pillar' and the capability of the 'blue dragon playing with the pearls'. When speaking of its martial tactic it uses the 'continuously lifting palm'. In this style the outside is still and the inside is moving. The 'Shujing' Book of History says: stillness contains movement inside its form. The one solid 'yang' line on the bottom of the zhen trigram represents the beginning of movement. If this style is practiced correctly the energy in the liver will be calm and harmonious. If practiced incorrectly the liver's energy will strive to flourish. The body will not come into the "9 and 2" internal harmony of the trigrams. ("9 and 2 are the nine sections or parts of the body harmonizing with the two internal movements of the body - expanding and contracting.) The student should make every effort to harmonize the liver's energy and not let it invade upward into the eyes.

[The Zhen or Thunder Trigram is represented by the Dragon 龍 (lóng). The solid line on the bottom represents the shoulders which must work in harmony with each other and remain strong during the movements and applications. The solid line also represents the lower back where it connects with the pelvic area and the leg as the power in the dragon system comes from the back foot through the leg to the lower spine and then to the hands. This is a long force which the Dragon is known for. The style or energy of the Dragon is called Lifting and Holding. The Zhen trigram is known as the oldest son and is the bravest and the boldest. It cares little about exposing its vital areas and is known for opening up the hips in what's called a Bai Step. The Dragon system is also the introduction of kicking techniques, because the bai step allows the back leg to move forward to accomplish kicking. The principle of the Zhen trigram is that the toes must always be grasping the ground. The Zhen trigram represents Thunder which is the 'Shocking' force.]

[程廷华 Cheng Tinghua Style of Baguazhang is the Dragon System and it does have the body of the snake where the twisting of the waist and body is more of a constant and steady force (長 cháng - long; forever; always; constant) so it doesn't use an elastic, stretching then releasing sort of force, that type of movement is the hallmark of it's opposite animal the Phoenix system.]

[The Dragon wants to train and develop twisting the shoulders around to the back as far as possible and trying to get them 180° opposite the hips. I believe this is called 烏龍盤柱 Wulong Pan Zhu (Black dragon coiling around the pillar). So the Dragon wants to develop such a flexibility that it isn't really feeling a stretch. It's also going to more often twist, wind up all the way, then do a 'Bai Bu' /Open step, and keep on twisting some more in the same direction. At the peak of the twist you could change directions and do a 帶 Dài (Carrying strike/hip throw) with a bit of a 'Ni Li' force but it's probably a bit more of a leg force 'Beng Li' that powers the throw. The way the Dragon functions with the 長 cháng/ 'Constant Power' you want your strength to always be moving right with the movement, not behind like the Phoenix, or ahead of it which is more like the Bear. So we would say that the Dragon moves in a 'shun' and 'ni' manner but that's not what's really powering the movements, they only add in a small portion in some techniques. The Dragon uses primarily 'Han' and 'Ting Li' - Containing and Upright Forces and the leg forces to power most of it's techniques.]

推 1- Tuī (Pushing) This character means to push; shove; turn a mill or grindstone; grind; push; forward;
托 2- Tuō (Lifting) This character means to hold in the palm; support with the hand or palm; serving as a support;
帶 3- Dài (Carrying) This character means to take; bring; carry;
領 4- lǐng (Leading) This character means to lead; usher; be in possession of; draw; get;
搬 5- bān (Moving) This character means to take away; move; remove;
扣 6- kòu (Capturing) This character means to detain; take into custody; arrest;
劈 7- pī (Chopping) This character means to split; chop; cleave; right against (one's face, etc.); stick;
進 8- jìn (Entering) This character means to advance; move forward; move ahead; enter; come or go into; get into; receive;

巽卦凤形 The Xun Guà or Wind Trigram Phoenix System


巽卦者,风之象也;风轮掌者,拳之式也。巽者入也,巽得坤之初阴,初阴主潜进,故居东南阳盛之方。其于物也,则为凤形,其物为羽虫之长,有展翅之功;以拳 式之用言,有点头之式,有挟人之法,此拳亦为狮子滚球之形;以拳之形式言,谓之风轮掌。此拳上刚健,而下柔顺,有风轮之形,故取象为巽卦,其拳顺,则内中 真气散于四肢百骸,无微不至,而身式行之如风轮,循环无间之形矣。其拳谬,则元气不能散布于周身,譬之方轴圆轮,气机不灵,身式不顺,而先后天之气不能化 一矣。
The Study of the Xun Trigram Phoenix Form

The Xun trigram is symbolized by the 'Wind'. Its martial tactic is known as the 'windwheel palm'. Xun means to 'enter'. It gains the beginning of 'yin' from the 'kun' trigram. The beginning of 'yin' likes to 'enter/ advance' while staying hidden or concealed. It resides in the southeast where the sun or 'yang' flourishes. When looked at as a creature it is the Phoenix the ruler of birds and insects and has the skill of extending its wings. When speaking of its martial style it has the style of 'nodding its head', the method of 'enforcing the opponent', and the movement of the 'lion rolling the ball'. Its overall strategy is the use of the 'windwheel palm'. Its body should be hard and strong on top and soft and flowing on the bottom. Its windwheel style comes from the 2 solid lines on top of 1 broken (soft) line of the Xun trigram. If this style is practiced correctly the internal 'true qi' will be extend out to the four limbs and enter the 100 bones of the body. If studied very carefully and meticulously the body's movements will move like the wind wheel, turning and linking leaving no gaps in its form. If this style is practiced incorrectly the primary qi will not spread through the whole body. For example the axis of a wheel in a machine cannot turn without energy hence the body's movements will not be moving smoothly with its center and the pre and post-heaven qi will not transform in the body.

[The Xun or Wind Trigram is represented by the Phoenix 鳳 (fèng), it is the king of all birds and encompasses all of the wing-like strikes that birds use while attacking and defending. The broken line at the bottom represents the shoulder and the hip. The arm as opposed to the lion system, will generally move independently of the the body until the point of impact, when the root is again found. The principle of the Xun trigram is that the hips must be rolled under and the Huiyun point must be raised to counteract the broken line at the bottom.]

闪 1- Shǎn (Dodging) This character means to dodge; get out of the way; twist; leave behind.
展 2- Zhǎn (Extending) This character means to extend; open up; spread out; unfold; unfurl.
劈 3- Pī (Chopping) This character means to split, chop, or cleave.
振 4- Zhèn (Shocking) This character means to shake.
化 5- Huà (Transforming) This character means to change; turn; transform; convert; dissolve.
卸 6- Xiè (Removing) This character means to unload; discharge; lay down; remove; strip; get rid off; shrink.
蜷 7- Quán (Curling In) This character means to curl up; huddle up.
碴 8- Chá (Stabbing/ Cutting) This character means to cut; like with a piece of broken glass.

离卦鹞形 The Li Guà or Fire Trigram Rooster System


离卦者,火之象也;卧掌者,拳之式也;离者丽也,离得坤之中阴,阴丽阳中,阴借阳而生明,故正南火旺之方。其于物也则为鹞形,其物有入林之速,有翻身之 巧。以拳式之用言,则有按点斫之法,此拳亦为大蟒翻身之式,亦有入洞之能,以拳之形式言,谓之卧掌,此拳则外刚健,而内柔顺,心中有空虚之象,故取象为离 卦 ,其拳顺;则心中虚灵而人心化,人心化则玄妙生矣;其拳谬则心中愚昧不明,而拳中之神化不能得矣。
The Study of the Li Trigram Sparrow Hawk Form

The Li trigram is symbolized by fire. It is the 'Crouching palm' in its martial form. The li trigram means to be 'majestic, graceful'. The li trigram gets the 'yin' in the center from the 'kun' trigram. The middle of 'yin' represents 'grace/refinement' inside of 'yang'. Its 'yin' borrowing the tactics of 'yang' making it open and overt. Li sits in the south where fire is abundant. When looked at as a creature it has the appearance of the Sparrow Hawk, which can quickly 'enter the forest' (wo zhang) to achieve the skill of 'overturning the body'. In its martial style it has the methods of 'pressing', 'pointing', and 'cutting off', the technique of the 'giant python overturning the body', and the capability of 'entering the cave'. Its martial strategy is the 'crouching/ lying palm' which is strong and solid on the outside and soft and flowing on the inside. The area of the middle dantian must be empty and the chest concaved which comes from the shape of the broken in the middle li trigram. If the fists are practiced correctly and the middle is open the mind will be open to the body's transformation of the spirit, as the body changes the profound and subtle will become known. If the fists are practiced incorrectly and you fail to understand the use of empty in the middle, the spirit (shen) will not be able to transform.

[The Li or Fire Trigram is represented by the Rooster 雞 (jī). The fighting system of the Rooster mimics the quick darting and dodging movements of a rooster. It will dodge its head and body down and around you at the last second using drastic height changes and long low steps known as the Lying Step. The Rooster delivers force through the elbow because of the broken line in the middle of the trigram. Its strikes are short similar to the Bear's strikes, although while the arms are short the legs strike long and kicking with the Lying step to various places on the opponent are some of its techniques. The Rooster system has Dodging strikes similar to the Phoenix only where the Phoenix uses the arms to move the opponent and dodge around, the Rooster leaves the arms and dodges around with its whole body. When the Li trigram is turned on its side it represents the left and right sides of the body moving independently of one another. The Dantian is also moving and fluid and its use comes into play in the dodging of the Rooster. The principle of the Li trigram is that the chest must be kept concaved and pulled back protecting the vital organs from attack.]

闪 1- Shǎn (Dodging) This character means to dodge; get out of the way; twist; leave behind.
展 2- Zhǎn (Extending) This character means to extend; open up; spread out; unfold; unfurl.
騰 3- Teng3 (Rising) This character means to rise, hover, move out, gallop, soar, leap.
挪 4- Nuo2 (Shifting) This character means to move, shift to one side.
進 5- jìn (Entering) This character means to advance; move forward; move ahead; enter; come or go into; get into; receive;
撻 6- Ta4 (Whipping) This character means to flog, whip; rapid.
沖 7- chōng (Rushing) This character means to charge; rush; dash ; clash; collide;
扎 8- Zha1 (Stabbing) This character means to pierce, stab, stick a needle through.

坤卦麟形 The Kun Guà or Earth Trigram Lin System


坤卦者,地之象也,返身掌者拳之式也,坤者顺也,阴之性也,六画卦之名也。坤以形体言,谓之地;以性情言,谓之坤。其于物也,则为麟形,其物为仁兽也,则 有飞身变化不测之功;以拳式之用言,则有麒麟吐书之式,大鹏展翅之法,有白鹤独立之能,有顺势返身旋转之灵;以拳之形式言,谓之返身掌,此拳之两手含往, 返身转去,内外上下和顺,有坤六断之形,故取象为坤卦。其拳顺则身体轻便快利,转去如旋风,其拳谬,则腹内不能空虚,而身体亦不能灵通矣,学者加意研究, 灵巧妙用由此而出焉。
Kun Gua Lin Xing Zhang

The Form of the Kun Trigram Unicorn Palm

The Kun trigram is symbolized by the earth. Its martial tactic is the 'returning to the body palm'. Kun means to 'follow'/ 'move along with'. It is pure 'Yin' in its nature, which comes from the six (broken) lines of its trigram. When speaking of its body shape it is the 'earth', when speaking of its temperament it is 'kun'. When looked at as a creature it takes the appearance of the Unicorn. The unicorn is a benevolent animal. It has the ability to fly and the skill of making unpredictable changes. When speaking of its martial style it has the posture of the 'unicorn spits out the book', the technique of the 'Giant Roc spreads its wings', the ability of the 'white crane standing on one leg', and the nimbleness to flow with the momentum, reverse the direction and spin its body around. When discussing its martial tactic it is called the 'returning to the body palm'. This tactic uses both hands pulling in, return to the body and turning to retreat. The inside and out, top and bottom move in harmony. Its form is like the six disconnected lines of the 'kun' trigram. When the fists move according to the laws of the body it will become lightweight, swift and can turn like a whirlwind. To avoid mistakes in this fist the internal abdomen must be kept full and solid and the alertness must not become dispersed. The student needs to examine and research these ideas. Nimbleness and cleverness come from this.

[The Kun or Earth Trigram is represented by the Unicorn 麒麟 (Qílín). "The Qilin, also spelled kylin is a mythical hooved Chinese creature that is said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a sage. It is a good omen that brings Rui4 (?, roughly translated to 'serenity' and 'prosperity'). It is often depicted with what looks like fire all over its body. It is also known as a kirin in Japan. Although it looks fearsome, the qilin only punishes the sinners. It can walk on grass and yet not trample the blades and it can also walk on water. Being a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh. The Qilin of China's Manchurian dominated Qing dynasty (1644–1911) depict a creature with the head of a dragon, the antlers of a deer, the skin and scales of a fish, the hooves of an ox and tail of a lion."--http://qilin.biography.ms/ ]

[The 麒麟 (Qílín) represents both the male and female of the species and since the Kun Trigram embodies Pure Yin (feminine) we only use the character 麟 Lín which represents the female of the species. A more apt translation might be the Western Griffin (Gryphon) or Chimaera (Chimera) as the animal chosen to represent the Kun Trigram is really a combination of the the other animals and their techniques only refined to the point that power can be manifested in one part of the body or just one segment of a limb. It uses all the joints of the body for striking. It will follow and match the opponent until the right opportunity to reverse the direction and devastate the opponent. It can deliver strikes through many of the different parts of the body. While the Lion system is taught to the young and vibrant developing/ stoking the Yang Fire, the Unicorn is learned later in life and is the result of the years of refinement and internalization of the other systems. Its the steel forged in the Yang fire, the Yin Amulet. Its energy is called Reversing the Body. The principle of the Kun trigram is that all the joints in the body must be kept flowing and open.]

粘 1- Zhan (Sticking) Means to make the opponent stick to yourself.
黏 2- Nian (Adhering) Means to stick to the opponent.
綿 3- mián (Soft) This character means to be continuous; soft
隨 4- suí (Following) This character means to to follow; to comply with; to allow;
胯 5- Kua (Hip) This character means the hip, pelvis, root of the legs.
打 6- Da3 (Striking) This character means to strike, hit, break, fight, shooting, to tie up.
劈 7- Pī (Chopping) This character means to split, chop, or cleave.
碴 8- Chá (Stabbing/ Cutting) This character means to cut; like with a piece of broken glass.

兑卦猴形 The Dui Guà or Marsh Trigram Monkey System

兑卦者,泽之象也。抱掌者,拳之式也。兑者,说也。兑得坤之末阴,末阴主消化,故居正西金旺之方,其于物也,则为猴形,其物最灵巧者也。有缩力之法,有纵 山之灵,以拳式之用言,则有白猿献果之形,有猴儿啃桃之法,有龙蹲虎踞之式;以拳之形式言,谓之抱掌,此拳上柔顺,而中下刚健,有缩短之形,故取象为兑 卦。其拳顺,则肺气清润;其拳谬,则肺气不和,至于气喘咳嗽诸症,而不能免矣。
The Study of the Dui Trigram Monkey Form

The Dui trigram is symbolized by the marsh. It is the 'Embracing palm' in its martial form. The dui trigram means to 'persuade'. The dui trigram gets the ending of 'yin' from the 'kun' trigram. The end of 'yin' represents 'removing' and 'transforming'. It resides in the west where metal is abundant. When looked at as a creature it has the appearance of the Monkey, which is the most agile and clever of the animals. It has the ability to 'contract in' or 'withdraw' with force and the dexterity to 'leap up the mountain'. In its martial style it uses the posture of the 'white ape offers the fruit', the method of the 'monkey chews the peach', and the skill of the ' squatting dragon and crouching tiger'. Its martial strategy is the 'Embracing palm' which is soft and flowing on the top and strong and solid on the inside and quickly contracts in which comes from the lines of the dui trigram. If the fists are practiced correctly the qi in the lungs will be clear and moist. If the fists are practiced incorrectly qi in the lungs will be in disharmony, breathing will be labored, turning to coughing and illness.

[The Dui or Lake Trigram is represented by the Monkey 猴 (hóu). The energy of the Monkey is called 'Bao' (Enfolding or embracing) and means that the body contracts in on itself to obtain power. Whether its through squatting to the ground yanking the opponent with you or double handed strikes concaving inward or expanding outward, this usage of the hands also ties in with the kicking methods as the Monkey system is also known as the 'Lian Huan Tui' or 'Interlocking Leg'. It's eight attacking methods are all kicks.]

屈 1- Qu1 (Bending) This character means to bend, flex.
踹 2- Chuai4 (Stomping) This character means to trample, stomp, crush.
崩 3- Beng1 (Splitting) This character means to rupture, split apart, collapse.
胯 4- Kua1 (Hip) This character means the hip, pelvis, root of the legs.
劈 5- Pi1 (Chopping) This character means to split, chop, or cleave.
擺 6- Bai3 (Swinging) This character means to swing, sway like a pendulum
結 7- Jie2 (Intercepting) This character means to connect, stop, join, intercept.
頓 8- Dun4 (Finishing) This character means to finish, end, stop, bow.

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