Friday, October 2, 2015

Bolang Jin 波浪劲

或问曰:心意拳和形意拳,都强调攻防较技之施招用手、施手用招的“波浪劲”和“翻浪劲”的用法。但是,什么是“波浪劲”、“翻浪劲”的法式呢?在攻防较技 中施手用招、施招用手中“波浪劲”和“翻浪劲”确实有什么优势吗?这是为什么?“波浪劲”和“翻浪劲”功夫容易修炼成功吗?这些问题敬请您老不吝赐教!
{Understanding the Underlying Methods and the Required Training Practices of Bolang Jin (Crashing Wave Power) & Fanlang Jin (Returning Wave Power)
By: Ma Guoxing
Some questions people might ask: Xin-Yi Quan and Xingyiquan both emphasize the skills of attack and defense using the arms and hands. In order to have skill in the arms it requires the use of "Bolang Jin" (BLJ) & "Fanlang Jin" (FLJ). But what is BLJ, FLJ and how do they work? Inside attacking and defending is the usage of the hands and arms. Inside the usage of the hands and arms is BLJ and FLJ. So what is the advantage and why are they used? Do BLJ and FLJ require Daoist Cultivation practices to be good?
Answer: Yes!}